About Ashwell at Home
Ashwell at Home will have been running for 40 years in 2025
- an amazing achievement, and something the village will be celebrating.
It is run by volunteers on behalf of Ashwell Museum, St Mary’s Church and Ashwell Primary School, the three beneficiaries of the funds raised. Each of these organisations depend increasingly on the income from Ashwell at Home day and so the entire community gets involved and works really hard to make it a success - whatever the weather!
Each year, in addition to the core open gardens, we have different events - making it a pleasure for visitors to return again and again, discovering more of the treasures of this special place. The theme in 2024 was 'Hidden Ashwell', this year the theme is 'The Best of 40 yearsl'- where we aim to celebrate the best of the event from previous years. Some of the activities are seasoned favourites, but we will also be celebrating the spirit of community that is alive and thriving in Ashwell. Feel free to ask our helpers on the day about any aspect of the village or the event - they'll be delighted to chat to you!
And if you want to contact us before then just email a hello to AshwellAtHome31@gmail.com